Property Tax Search | Public Access
Tax Collector
Property Tax Search
Tax Collector
Property Tax Search
Tax Collector
Property Tax Search
Property Tax Search Instructions
of the search types below. Enter your search criteria and select
Once the results are displayed, select
View Account
to view/pay.
Account Number
Enter 15 or 20 digits (e.g. 000000001234567, 1314N5W0000004130200).
Folio Number
Number is 6 digits in the top right hand corner of your tax bill (e.g. 123456)
Owner Name
Use first or last name.
Property Address
This is the property street address (situs).
Mailing Address
Use formats like "MAIN" or "321 MAIN".
Search Tips
For Account Number Searches:
Your Account Number is a fifteen or twenty-digit identifier found on your Property Statement (e.g. 000000001234567, 1314N5W0000004130200).
Do not use dashes, spaces, or other separators.
Enter the entire number.
For Folio Number Searches:
The Folio Number Number always ends with 4 digits after a decimal (e.g. 123456.0000).
Do not use dashes, spaces, or other separators.
Enter the entire number.
For Property Owner Searches:
Entering less information will generally yield more results.
Completely spell out a word for specific results; i.e., entering "John" will not return "Johnson".
Avoid using symbols and special characters.
For Property Address Searches:
Entering less information will generally yield more results.
Completely spell out the name of the street for specific results; i.e., entering "Mount" will not return "Mountain".
Avoid using street types (LN, ST, AVE, etc.) and directions (N, W, SE, etc.) to return more results.
For Mailing Address Searches:
Entering less information will generally yield more results.
Completely spell out the name of the street or city for specific results; i.e., entering "Mount" will not return "Mountain".
Avoid using street types (LN, ST, AVE, etc.) and directions (N, W, SE, etc.) to return more results.